Books › Vixen

Vixen - A plot to annihilate two of the great cities of the world - an act of revenge for genocide thought to be long-buried and forgotten with the passing of time. The 'criminals' got away with it, receiving accolades and honours while the victims were considered of 'no consequence,' unrecognised and abandoned.

It originated at the opposite ends of the earth when the British carried out the major nuclear bomb tests at Maralinga in South Australia.

It was not the result of those 'mushroom cloud' events, but a series of top-secret tests which did not involve a nuclear detonation.

The Maralinga program finished, the British departed, unaware for many years they had 'lost' something. It was not a nuclear warhead, but something if released, would silently destroy all mankind in its path.

They had also 'lost' a soldier who knew the location of what was missing - a potential terrorist who became aware of the deadly secret he controlled.

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